
Anyone can be a volunteer!

Future Projects

What do you think should be on our neighborhood's wish list? Our neighborhood has taken on many projects over the years that you can see and appreciate today. All of the examples below have something in common; neighbors coming together to get the job done. We would like to invite your ideas. A great starting point for getting your idea on the neighborhood association's agenda is to come to one of our meetings and speak about it.

Past and Present Projects

World War I Memorial

John McKean, a former MPML Treasurer and neighbor, had a vision for the World War I memorial. John wanted the flagpole painted, a new flag flying high and proud with appropriate lighting installed. His vision was specific; it had to be done on Flag Day. We talked about it at neighborhood association meetings and then Omaha Mayor, Jim Suttle, was able obtain a brand new flag, courtesy of Woodmen of the World. Neighbors got together on Flag Day to paint the pole, install lighting, and raise the new flag. It all came together beautifully with John McKean heading up the project. Volunteers continue to maintain the monument today. Thank you to everyone who helped John's vision come to fruition.  

Island Flower Beds

There are beautiful shows of flowers during spring and summer months on the islands of Minne Lusa Boulevard and a few other streets in the neighborhood. What many people don’t realize is that these projects are not funded or maintained by the city. The island flower gardens are the result of teamwork, many volunteer hours, and a spirit of community service exemplified by neighborhood residents. While these island projects were started some time ago, they are invaluable for the beauty they provide every year. They are also a great way to get involved with making the neighborhood a better place to live.

Park Benches in the Neighborhood

Several park benches have been installed around the neighborhood in public areas such as the islands on Minne Lusa Boulevard. Money for these benches comes from private donations and neighborhood fundraising efforts such as the annual Golf Scramble at Miller Park. Neighborhood members volunteered their time, labor, and expertise to install these fixtures, helping to make our streets a place where anyone can come to enjoy a beautiful day.
Dedicating the signs for Omaha's Minne Lusa Historic District

Historic District Signs

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